Are Ye the Ghosts of Fallen Leaves: Welcoming Oncoming Autumn

hello autumn

With Labor Day now behind us, thoughts turn to the ending of the year; those crisp days of knit scarves and falling leaves, when deep aromas of damp earth and loam foretell boughs heavy with fruit and fields of ripe pumpkins awaiting the carving knife. It is a close and quiet fireworks show, a final celebration imbued with the knowledge of coming death as the world ends again in winter, presaged by a growing chill that lingers in the lengthening darkness of autumn nights.

No festival captures that dichotomy of celebration and mourning quite like Halloween, a holiday historically tied to honoring the dead in that liminal time when summer ends and boundaries thin. As we eagerly count down the next 53 days until Halloween, join us here at TYoH as we again will be posting on all matter of holiday inspiration, from tutorials and spooky sights and sounds, to haunted history, oddities and other spine-tingling tales to keep you in a Halloween spirit from now til the end of the year!

Categories: Eva Halloween

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4 replies

  1. Very well written and I will stay tuned.👻👹👺👽👾👿💀🎃

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