Horror GIF of the Week: RUN

Acadia's Horror GIF of the Week: RUN

I know this looks really scary and bleak and you probably think that the girl got menaced and stuff, but to make you all feel better, here is a little inside info:

I planned the whole thing really badly.I turned off the lights from the dark end of the hallway. So by the time I was done she was way far away. I was gonna go get her but what am I, The Flash?

But now I have switches on both sides so I will be all set. I just have to make sure they run the right way. Or maybe I should not rent such a giant building to do all my menacing. A bungalow would be cheaper and way smaller.


Would you be more scared in a big old school place or a cute little bungalow? Not that I am taking notes.

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22 replies

  1. Definitely more scared of a big old school! Although when I was at school I was always there about two hours later than all the other children, so I spent a lot of time wandering the corridors 😀

  2. Even much more scarier… a hospital with no one in it… like in Day of the Triffids, 28 Days Later or The Walking Dead. Places that are supposed to be filled with people. Places that are supposed to be there to help you. Also circuses and carnivals that are up and running. At night. All lights and music… but no people. The most scariest ever! 🙂

  3. Oh thank god this one wasn’t so scary!

  4. Big old school, because of Silent Hill (the game, not the movie).

  5. Big old school definitely. 🙂

  6. Bigger is always better.

  7. Also – just so we are clear, anyone who didn’t say they were more scared of a bungalow is soooo totally going to be coming to my bungalow housewarming party.

  8. My jaded background would allow me to say neither is scary. Big school = more places to hide. Teeny bungalow, not so much especially if the doors and windows won’t let you escape. Would the bungalow have big bad woods should ya be able to escape?

  9. +Eva Halloween YES THEY DO!
    +1jaded1 I could put some woods out back. Easier than mowing the lawn.

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